Leftist Intolerance: anti-military Chicago lawyer Jay R. Grodner keyes up Marines car, please help!

Please help this Marine defeat that intolerant anti-military scum!

From BlackFive:

“Marine Sgt Mike McNulty is on activation orders to Iraq (second tour).  On December 1st, 2007, Mike went to visit a friend in Chicago before deploying to say goodbye.  In order to get to his friend’s residence, and keep in mind that Chicago is a myriad of diagonal and one-way streets, the front entrance (right way) to the one-way street was blocked.  Mike, being a Marine, overcame and adapted by driving around the block to the other end of the street and backing up all the way to his friend’s place.

While saying goodbye, at about 11am, he noticed a man leaning up against his car. Mike left his friend’s apartment and caught the man keying his car on multiple sides. After caught in the process, the man told Mike, “you think you can do whatever you want with Department of Defense license plates and tags”.  (In Illinois you can purchase veteran, Marine, or medal plates.  Mike has Illinois Marine Corps license plates.)  During the exchange, he made additional anti-military comments.

Mike called the Chicago police and had the man arrested. A citation against the man was issued for misdemeanor criminal damage to private property.

The police report (and I have copies if needed) states:

Victim related to P/O that as he walked back to his vehicle, he observed the offender leaning up against his vehicle and rubbed/dragged his left arm and hand across the passenger side.  As offender walked away from victim’s vehicle, victim observed a scratch along the rear trunk and passenger’s door area where offender dragged his arm and hand over.  Victim and witness stopped offender and confronted him.  Victim has military plates and decals on his vehicle and offender made anti war and military comments to victim.  Upon P/O’s arrival to scene, offender denied scratch victim’s vehicle, but did admit to rubbing past it.  Victim at this time did not sign complaint, because he is leaving tour for military duty.  Offender said they accused him of scratching the car because he is Jewish.  Offender’s statements/responses to P/O’s questions unreasonable.

As it turns out, the man is Chicago lawyer Jay R. Grodner, who owns a law firm in the city and has offices in the suburbs.

After sending the car to the body shop, it was determined there is $2400 in damage, making this a felony. Mike went to court Friday morning to collect the damages against Mr. Grodner and file felony charges. Though the damages are over $300 (the amount which determines felony or misdemeanor) Grodner offered Mike to pay his deductible, $100, and have Mike’s insurance pay for it.

The Illinois States Attorneys tried to coerce Mike into accepting the offer. Appalled, Mike said he wanted this to be a felony. The state told Mike that it was not worth pursuing felony damage against Grodner because they don’t have the time. In addition, the state prosecutors told him that he would never it ‘would be difficult to recover the damages’ from Grodner because he is a lawyer.

Instead, the State asked Mike if he would accept probation for Grodner. Mike accepted, probation was offered to Grodner, and Grodner declined the offer, saying within ear shot of Mike, “I’m not going to make it easy on this kid”. Mike’s next court date is tomorrow, Monday, December 31st, to pursue misdemeanor charges against Grodner.

Mike’s leave is over on January 2nd when he reports to Camp Pendleton before heading to Iraq.

Jay Grodner knows this and is going to file for a continuance until Mike is gone and cannot appear in court.”


  1. Mikele Meether said

    Oh please this is not leftist intolerance – I’m all leftist all the time and have no respect for this lawyer, he is a scumbag, dirt bag, and other type of bag you want to throw in. What in the hell is a grown man, a supposed professional, doing keying anyone’s car. I think he’s just ashamed that he doesn’t have the nerve to either serve his country in the military or serve his country by working to end this war. This man only behaved like a child in the night sneaking around and now he is sneaking around again in the courtroom. I hope this all backfires on him.
    Our men and women in the military deserve our respect and admiration and all the help they need when home on leave. I’m glad this was brought to wider audience attention. I actually read about in on Salon.com. Lefties aren’t all bad.

  2. Sam Hughes said

    Well can Mike file for a continuance until he returns from IRAQ?

  3. armilnov said

    I have no idea. You should probably look at BlackFive, they had a loooong discussion about what Mike could do.

  4. armilnov said


    Lefties aren’t all bad.
    Glad to hear that, thanks for dropping by.

    Oh please this is not leftist intolerance
    Sorry, but I disagree. This man, who clearly identifies himself as leftist, caused harm to Mike, just because Mike is military. I am yet to hear for an outrage (you are the first person who identifies themselves as “left” to speak out, as far as I know). I bet you hundred dollars there are thousands of Code-Pink/ANSWER morons out there, who will compete with each other to congratulate Jay R. Gardner’s first for sticking it up to the “killitary”.

    Here is another incident: this past July 4th, an anti-war activist shot and killed an Air Force Airman. He drive to the Airman’s home, knocked on his door, and then shot him. Where is outrage? Please click on the link and read the sickening report.

    Let’s also talk about how when Vietnam vets were coming back – how they were ostracized, spat upon, falsely portrayed in the media as rapists, child killers, you name it. Yet John Kerry, who spent total of 4 months in Vietnam, who never released his military records (nobody still knows what in hell did he got the purple hearts for), who perjured himself during his testimony against American soldiers in Vietnam — he is somehow a hero?

    I appreciate your voicing disapproval of this, but there is intolerance, sometimes violent and vicious intolerance for anything not fitting liberal world view – starting from patriotism (I am telling you this as an immigrant born in USSR), for Christianity (and I am not even Christian, and I am sickened), for FOX News etc.

  5. DannoJyd said

    This is another fine example of how godless liberals have no shame, and how they believe they cannot be held culpable for their actions.

    Law Offices of Jay R. Grodner
    Principal Office-Deerfield
    625 Deerfield Road –Suite 406
    Deerfield, IL 60015
    Phone: (847) 444-1500
    Fax: (847) 444-0663

    Downtown Chicago
    30 N. LaSalle St. – Suite 1210
    Chicago, IL 60602
    Phone: (312) 236-1142
    Fax: (312) 236-6036

    Email: jayrg8@aol.com
    Web: http://www.jaygrodner.com

  6. Mikele Meether said

    You have to admit there is intolerance on both sides. What happened to that airman makes me sick to my stomach. That idiot who shot him had mental illness problems. It doesn’t excuse what he did, and if he didn’t shot himself I believe there would have been much more press. With him dead there was no story, no arrest, no trial, and no lawyer calling press conferences – nothing to follow. By killing himself he killed the story.

    This is another fine example of how godless liberals have no shame, and how they believe they cannot be held culpable for their actions.

    Not all liberals and leftists are godless with no shame and not all those on the right are wingnuts. The pundits on both sides whip us into a frenzy with the issues that divide us. There is common ground, I really believe that this election is beginning to show it. Populist candidates on both sides who have different social views but speak to the working middle class (and we’re getting smaller and smaller) are gaining popularity or at least people are listening to them. I have to hope that they really want to fight for us and enough of us are brave enough to get behind them.

    We’re carrying the war, I have 2 nephews and a niece over there, and we carry most of the tax burden. How much can we carry on our backs before we’re broken beyond repair.
    Look, neither side gives a damn they tell us what we want at election time and then go back to Washington make their deals get richer and we struggle just a bit more.

  7. armilnov said

    I have 2 nephews and a niece over there
    G-d bless them, and please let them know “The Very Best wishes and Best of Luck” from me!!!

    You have to admit there is intolerance on both sides…..neither side gives a damn
    I don’t deny any of that at all. I agree on that, actually.
    What I am trying to day is that, in general, intolerance on the left has far more people who “understand” it and even people who agree with it outright, than intolerance on the right.

    I am suspicious that the event of anti-war activist shooting a soldier became a non-story because media, staffed overwhelmingly by liberals, did not want to give bad press to a “good cause” of anti-war movement. Obviously, I have no proof, but just as Michelle Malkin in the article I linked you, I also suspect that if the situation would be reversed – i.e. it would be Airman (or a Marine) shooting anti-war activist, – I bet the story would hit front-page news.

    With him dead there was no story, no arrest, no trial
    What about the Airman? I re-read the story, which I vaguely remembered from July 4th. The Airman survived, and I am glad that he did (I thought he died). So, someone shoots a soldier for being a soldier, on July 4th, and that is not news? Or maybe, it is just exceptionally bad news for a prime liberal cause of the today? I think latter is truth.

    Let me point your attention to another aspect of the subject of Leftist Intolerance: hatred of the military in Hollywood, with recent movies like “Redacted”, “Lions for Lambs”. Do you agree with portrayal of US soldiers as rapists, murders, good-for-nothings in movies like that? I do not agree, and the very fact that Hollywood keeps churning out crap like this despite the dismal earnings for movies like that…..well, that is not a coincidence.

  8. Mikele Meether said

    Sorry I’ve been absent, I’ve been sick and behaving like the diva I so
    carefully hide most of the time. Feeling well enough to attempt the keyboard so will try to string somewhat intelligent thoughts together.

    First, I too searched all over to make sure he was still all right. I’m sorry to tell you the story itself, taken at face value, has every thing working against it. If he died and the shooter hadn’t shot himself. If there was anyway for a loud mouthed lawayer to work themselves into the equation and force the spot light on this story. It got some play but the shooter commited sucide and the family of the airman may not have wanted the intrusion of the press. That could have been the same reraction if the situation were reversed. Some people just don’t want the intrusion of the press in their life. Because there is only one party left in this awful situation they got to decide if the story “had legs” or not.

    Why do so many on the right believe that we could find plesure in the death of one of our soldiers? I’m too young for Viet Nam and I know things got ugly but I thought all sides realised the exsesses of the past. The verbage gets outragous on both sides with everyone crying foul. There are those who do enjoy when one of the “other” is hurt or killed but usually that person has something wrong with them. Who in their right mind thinks that way.

    Movies like “Redacted” & “Lions for Lambs” have less to do with intolerance and hatred of the military and more to do with sorry ass story telling. If it had a decent story to tell and caused discussion they may have had some relivence now, I love a good Hollywood blockbuster but Hollywood hasn’t had relivence in a long time. If you want stories with meaning and relevience you need to look to television, even if it’s all in good fun tv’s got movie’s beat. I take that back 3:10 to Yuma, one film this summer with relivence, the importance of honor and doing right just because your supposed to. Back to tv, what about The Unit or NCIS or the countless movies that have been made that do show respect. You have to point out 2 of the worst movies out of hollywood in a long time.
    Just g-dawful boring.
    Now on to a different note “Do I agree with the potrayal of US soldiers as rapists, murders, good-for-nothings? I just told you about the family I have over there and I’ll pretend you didn’t ask that.

  9. armilnov said

    Hope you feel better now 🙂

    “It got some play but the shooter commited sucide and the family of the airman may not have wanted the intrusion of the press.
    OK, you have a good point there.

    “Why do so many on the right believe that we could find plesure in the death of one of our soldiers?”
    I consider myself as moderate right, I never find pleasure in anyone’s death whatsoever. This question is as silly as asking if I take pleasure in deaths of my relatives in Eastern Front during WW2 fighting Nazis.

    It is not my fault, neither it is soldiers fault that some of them will die – it is the fault of all evil people like Hitler, bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Ho Chi Minh, Stalin, who start wars to support their crazy racist/economic/religious ideologies. By the way, speaking about Vietnam – what about millions who were killed by communists after US troops withdrew? We were winning the war – we withdrew purely because the war was unpopular, and let millions be butchered in Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia. Look up “Khmer Rouge” and “killing fields”. Look at Vietnam now — it once had a chance to be prosperous like South Korea and Japan.

    This war in Iraq was not started because any American wanted to start it. It started because certain people believe that I, you and everybody else should be Muslim or die. This is crusades reversed, and we have to defend ourselves. I am sick to my stomach that these human scum kill US soldiers, but what other other solution exists to armies of armed to the teeth fanatics – Taliban, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, – wanting to kill me for who I am?

    “Movies like “Redacted” & “Lions for Lambs” have less to do with intolerance and hatred of the military and more to do with sorry ass story telling.”
    Come on, the movies are so damn political, their stars and directors should run for office. Why then in “Redacted” main anti-hero Marine is called “Rush”, is overwheight, and smokes cigars? Is that a smear that Rush Limbaugh is a rapist? Or is it an attempt to portray Marines as disgusting criminals? Is it coincidence that Marine barracks are shown decorated with Confederate flags, and Marines are portrayed as stoned? In the end of “Redacted” the main rapist “Rush” gets his head sliced off by Al-Qaeda – the obvious message is that torture and executions of US soldiers are “justified”. Don’t take my word for it – read Michael Medved’s review of that garbage.

    “what about The Unit or NCIS or the countless movies that have been made that do show respect. You have to point out 2 of the worst movies out of hollywood in a long time.”
    Well, maybe you watch these shows – I do not, and I do not think many people do. Movie business is still king. And I was talking specifically about Hollywood and its blatant anti-Americanism and anti-Military attitude. I did not pick two worst movies – these were the only movies about contemporary military in the past 2 years. I mean, nobody dares to portray WW2 as they want to, and Vietnam is already a beat horse. The only somewhat positive movie about modern US soldiers is Black Hawk Down, and that was done when I was still in high school (eight years ago).

  10. beanhead54 said

    Isn’t it odd how the back-patting AG’s Office considers it “too time consuming” to follow-up on a valid, open complaint of flagrant felony vandalism voiced from a taxpaying citizen (as well as a defender of our nation), but that same AG will no doubt allow thousands and thousands of frivolous, time consuming civil cases to clog our court system day after day because those are what keeps their fellow lawyers rich, rich, rich beyond their wildest dreams.

    Whoever that AG or DA was that made that stupid, narrow-minded and self-serving comment deserves to be disbarred as fast as that mope Grodner should be as soon as he is convicted.

    This soldier should be served with a subpoena to appear in court, and the Marine Corps needs to honor that subpoena to allow justice to be served for him here in the United States just as his service in Iraq provides them there with the same.

    It is not the first time that this cretin has sullied his profession in a flagrant manner, and this outhouse lawyer needs to know that his kind is not above the law simply because he’s a little more adept at playing the game. The Legal Industry as a whole needs to be put on notice that it’s about time for them to get off their self-serving behinds and begin the task of removing this sort of trash from their rolls well before issues such as this come to the attention of the general public.

    Respectfully Submitted,

    An Old US Army Soldier from the ‘Burbs.

  11. Mikele Meether said

    My you are a youngster. I’m saying the movies you are dsicussing have no revilence because no one saw them. Hollywood can make all the movies it wants about how wrong Washington is but if they have bad story lines and no one sees them it doesn’t matter. They just sit there and gather dust. Maybe a few college professors rerquire it and 3 students actually watch.
    So what’s happened? Hollywood has wasted lots of money – it won’t even make it back on video. Hollywood professionals who used to be heavly respected have lost some stature. And this overriding delima that is hanging of all of our heads is being treated as less then a high
    school paragraph prompt on my son’s senior test.

    As far as why this war was started – please tell me why, I do understand the war in Afganastan. We were attacked and we attacked in return. Irac I don’t. I don’t understand the idea of the USA being a preemptive strike nation. I’ve studied history and even if we’ve tricked the other nation into attacking us we never struck first.

    Yes some movies carry a political theam but truly they do not have the influence they used to. We just don’t care because movies have become more about entertainment then anything else. It is very difficult to analyze a war through movie while the war is in process the emotions are too raw. As far as WW II Haven’t you seen Band of Brothers? Saving Pvt. Ryan? or just last year Clint Eastwood’s 2 movies showing both sides american and japanise (both as human beings) during war. these are important things.

  12. armilnov said


    “As far as why this war was started – please tell me why”

    Al-Qaeda is an Arab organization, led by Arab leaders, funded by Arab money, with its base of popular support in gulf Arab states – this is not a about race, it is merely a fact, just akin to fact that Nazis were Germans. It is obvious that not every Muslim Arab is Al-Qaeda, but all Al-Qaeda are Arab Muslims, just like not every German was a Nazi, but all Nazis were Germans.

    Afghanistan is NOT Arab — it is predominantly Pushtun, with Uzbek and Tajik minorities. Al-Qaeda had almost nothing to do with Afghanistan in general or with Taliban in particular, except that Taliban made a huge mistake of allowing Al-Qaeda “immigrants” to base and train in its own country.

    So, why should we limit ourself to invading Afghanistan alone, when what we actually want to do is to fight this Arab organization? We go after the source, we bring the fight to the backyard of the enemy, we invade enemy’s turf — we invade the most aggressive and dangerous of the gulf Arab states, namely, Iraq.

    Here is Saddam’s Iraq:
    Saddam used WMD to kill thousands of Kurds in 80s. For years he jerked UN and USA around, sometimes claiming that he got rid of WMDs, then saying that he did not. President Clinton bombed Baghdad twice because he considered Iraqi WMD programs to be a threat. Nobody knew the truth about Iraqi WMDs in 2003, and we had to assume the worst.

    Also, Saddam was the only world leader to publicly support terrorism – he offered a monetary reward to the family of each Palestinian suicide bomber, and his prime minister Tarik Asis visited Gaza several times personally to give out the checks. Even Iranians who support Hezbollah do not dare to do so in public.

    Let me also remind you how Saddam routinely fired Surface-to-Air missiles at American and French planes which patrolled no-fly zones, protecting Shiites and Kurds from that maniac. That alone should have provoked automatic war years ago.

    “I’ve studied history and even if we’ve tricked the other nation into attacking us we never struck first.”
    In past, wars were fought by large numbers of well-trained and well-equipped men. A nation had to prepare for and actually fight a war over prolonged periods of time. Today, it is possible to fight and win a war instantly – five nuclear explosions wiping out LA, NYC, Chicago, Washington, and Atlanta, and I would say USA is done for good. And the enemy does not have to be a nation at all — look at Hezbollah versus Israel, Al-Qaeda versus USA. The world today is “flat”, and a rogue nation or even a terrorist organization can theoretically crush a huge country like USA with right weapons and strategy. This is first time in history this is possible, and this is why this is first time in history we have to use pre-emptive war to stay alive and well.

    About movies:
    All movies you mention are about WW2. As I said before, even hardcore leftists in Hollywood do not dare to use WW2 to smear USA. However, I cannot remember a single positive movie about Vietnam, can you? Were all soldiers who participated in Vietnam constantly stoned barbarians like in Full Metal Jacket, or murderers like in Platoon, or rapists like in Casualties of War? I challenge you to name me a single movie about a war after WW2 (besides Black Hawk Down) where America soldiers are portrayed in a positive light.

  13. Mikele Meether said

    I had a whole answer that I was working on and I’m too tired to start over right now lost the page I’ll retype tomorrow

  14. armilnov said

    No problem, take your time.

  15. Mikele Meether said

    Ok I think I’m awake enough now. Some movie titles
    The Green Barets circa 1968 John Wayne
    Heartbreak Ridge 1986? Clint Eastwood
    We Were Soldiers 2002 Mel Gibson

    Ok not all the best movies but American Soldiers are respected.

    I have to tell you that your words are very distrubing “why should we limit ourselves to invading Afghanistan alone.” We didn’t invade Afghanistan we struck back after we were attacked 2 very different things. Or do you know something I don’t? you say…
    In past, wars were fought by LARGE NUMBERS of well-trained AND WELL EQUPIPED MEN(WOMEN). A nation had to prepare for and actually fight a war over prolonged periods of time but that is not what has happened
    Rumsfeld’s statement was you go to war with the army you have not the army you want. Well that was a great moral boost. Not only that Our military is running on fumes, this all volunteer army just is not working. At what point do we admit we owe some sort of service to our country. Remember what Kenenedy said- what you can do for your country..
    We’re at war and our President advises that we go about our business, maybe shop. Where is the sacrafice and the coming together as a nation. We are the nation that became inspired and went to the moon. Why haven’t we become inspired again and developed a new fule source and new engine type. Both of which would not only ween us off the middle east but employ our country.
    All of the reasons you list for going to war with Iraq really don’t make sense. The Iraq war was supposed to save us from WMD and Mushroom Clouds and biological warfare. They are not there and we are, the country is in ruins and who knows how long we’ll be there. Also, the idea of a flat earth can’t be applied as we still can use mutual self destruction. Any country that that harbors terrorists can be assured that we will retalliate against them. Afganastan didn’t attack us but harbored the Taliban and that’s where we bombed. Had the Taliban or Afganastan been a larger and better equiped country mutual destruction may have been assured.
    The other statements you’ve made about Saddam are valid and his crimes are legend and more then enough to qualify for his removel. Are we not going to apply these same standards to others we interact with. Rape rooms, genocide, and torture are not limited to Iraq. Unless we are going to hold all to the same standards how can we hold any to that standard. Saddam was a monster and the world is better off without him, but we need to be a little less hipocritical about itl.

  16. armilnov said


    Movies: yes, you found 3 more movies that depict American military positively. Two of them were made more than 20 years ago. Therefore, there are only 3 (two!) positive movies about post-WW2 American military – “We Were Soldiers”, “Flags of Our Fathers”, “Black Hawk Down”, – and they have to compete with clearly anti-military movies like “Jarhead”, “Platoon”, “Casualties of War”, “Lions for Lambs”, “Full Metal Jacket”, “Apocalypse Now”, “Rendition”. That is three against seven. I do not like that, but still you have a point — I guess bias against military is not as bad as I thought it is.

    “We didn’t invade Afghanistan we struck back after we were attacked 2 very different things.”
    I do not understand – we DID invade Afghanistan. American troops are in Kabul as we speak.

    “Rumsfeld’s statement was you go to war with the army you have not the army you want.”
    I think Rumsfeld is a moron, he is the reason why first three years of Iraq war we were loosing. So what?

    “Our military is running on fumes, this all volunteer army just is not working. At what point do we admit we owe some sort of service to our country.”
    We have a military of professionals. Do you really want our military to turn into a bunch of cannon-fodder, just like Russian military? Russia has been de-facto defeated in tiny Chechnya twice(!). Russians failed in Afghanistan too – while Americans are doing very well over there (knock on wood). I am Russian, trust me on this one: you want army where people volunteer out of own will, are extremely well-trained and extremely-well equipped. You do NOT want an army of 18-year-old kids with one month of basic who were forced into service and armed with 10-year-old AK-47.

    Besides, Also, I beg to differ about “not working”: we successfully wage war in two (!) different countries, in both of which enemy has been on the run for the past year. Surge in Iraq works. In Afghanistan the Taliban is hiding out in Pakistan, and if it wasn’t for political stuff, I bet Army would get them there too.

    “The Iraq war was supposed to save us from WMD and Mushroom Clouds and biological warfare.”
    You miss the point. Could anyone give 100% assurances that Iraq was WMD free in 2003? NO! We knew that Saddam had WMD ins past and even used them. He consistently refused to give proof that these weapons were destroyed, unlike Gaddafi, who surrendered his nuclear weapons program in 2003.

    Blaming Bush for not being able to somehow “guess” correctly from CIA intelligence given to him (and all of the Congress too) about whether Iraq had WMD or not is, frankly, silly. It is like blaming a cop who shoots a known murderer for pointing a gun at him, because gun turned out to be unloaded. Saddam turned out to be an extremely stupid man, bluffing while having nothing to support his bluff. Who knew?

    Besides, my theory is, while Bush wasted 6 months trying to negotiate diplomatic solution with Iraq in UN Security Council, Iraqis transported WMDs to a friendly nation of Syria. We are yet to see that mustard gas, believe me. Bush, in fact, should have acted like Clinton with Yugoslavia – attack without warning or negotiation.

    “Also, the idea of a flat earth can’t be applied as we still can use mutual self destruction. Any country that that harbors terrorists can be assured that we will retalliate against them. Afganastan didn’t attack us but harbored the Taliban and that’s where we bombed. Had the Taliban or Afganastan been a larger and better equiped country mutual destruction may have been assured.”

    You do not understand the difference — MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) worked with Communists because Communists wanted to live. Comunists for not believe in after-life, Jihadis do. Please tell me, how can you threaten with MAD a suicide bomber? He doesn’t care – HE WANTS TO DIE!

    “Are we not going to apply these same standards to others we interact with.”
    We DID NOT attack Saddam because he was a nasty guy. We attacked him because we had all reason to believe that he had WMD and was likely to help other terrorists to those WMD. There is nothing hypocritical about attacking nations you believe a threat to you.
    We cannot control laws of other countries – I wish Saudi Arabia would not treat women like cattle, but they do. It is their problem. We should not wage war on them because we do not like their ways of life, but if they start shooting at our planes, officially supporting terrorists, throwing threats of mustard/nerve gas rockets around — then yes, then we will attack them too.

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