Imagine there is no Israeli Army

Imagine that there is no Israeli Army, Air Force or Navy. What would Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran do?

Would they stay out of Israeli cities, leaving civillians unharmed? Or, would they seize opportunity to attack, killing defenseless women, children, and elderly? The anwer is clear. They would attack, and they would enjoy it. They would kill every person they would see in streets – the towns of Israel would be like lakes of blood. The only reason why Islamic terrorists have not yet completed final “solution” of the “Jewish question” is because they still cannot do it……yet.

The scary thing, when Iran gets nukes, they just might think that is the now can.

By the same token , neither Hamas nor Hezbollah have regular army, Air Force or Navy. Israel has nukes. If Israelis would really want to kill every Muslim in vicinity, they could do so easily. If Israel would unleash its military without regard for human life, they would easily could mount a genocide of unimaginable scale. Yet, they do not do it. They always fight only when it is absolutely necessary to do so for self-defense, and exercise restraint even under daily rain of Kassam rockets from Gaza.

LET ME BE CLEAR: Muslims, Jews, Russians, Germans, Democrats and Republicans – we are all people, we all have faults and virtues. But to say that it is not Muslims who today bear responsibility for hatred in Middle East towards Christians, Jews, and West, is to same as saying that Germans do not bear responsibility for WW2 and Holocaust.

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